Choosing the Perfect Domain Name
July 21st 2021

SilverServers provides domain registration and management among our web services. We are also SEO specialists. If you’re choosing a domain name for yourself or your business, perhaps you’ve let your imagination run wild considering all the possibilities. It’s kind of like the grown-up version of choosing a perfect name for your band. While creativity is welcome and we never want to dull your enthusiasm, there are certain factors you need to consider before choosing your domain name, so before you decide, read on for some valuable tips.
First of all, what is a domain registrar?
Perhaps you’ve heard of GoDaddy? They’re a registrar similar to SilverServers – just a lot bigger than we are and not local to Kamloops. Domain registrars are businesses that sell domain names and manage the technicalities of registering them. At SilverServers we provide two options for clients – register your domain on your own using our self-serve domain portal or let us take care of the registration and management for you.
Tip #1 Think Simple
Short, simple, easy-to-type domain names are the smart way to go. Visitors should be able to easily remember the name and type it in without making spelling errors. The domain name should also be easy to pronounce. That way it’s more likely to be passed along by word of mouth without being butchered along the way. The key idea is that the more people who know about your site and are able to find it without too much effort, the more traffic will come your way.
Tip #2 Be Brandable
Remember how I just encouraged you to keep it short and simple? That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be creative. Your name will have more power if it is memorable and reflects your brand. Your domain name is how visitors will find you and share details of how awesome you/your product is. Simple, catchy, made-up words are possibilities – Google wasn’t a word until it became one. You can also use a thesaurus to find ideas and options that fit your brand or try out a domain name generator – our handy free portal will provide ideas.
Tip #3 Be Aware of Other Brands
After putting in all the effort of picking and purchasing the perfect domain name, it would be disappointing to find out that someone else on a social media platform has named their social-media-marketing-only business similarly to your domain name. Consider checking the availability of your perfect name on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter so that you know your branding can stay consistent when you begin advertising your new domain there. This may not be a make-or-break point in your decision-making process, but if social media matters to your marketing plans in a significant way, then it’s worth being aware of!
Tip #4 Protect Your Name
You’re working hard to build your brand, so you need to protect it. Purchasing multiple domain extensions (think .com .ca. .org, etc.) as well as potential misspellings (not that there should be many because you’re keeping it short and simple, right?) may help you prevent competitors from registering the same/similar names and make sure clients are directed to your site, even if they don’t quite get the spelling correct. Luckily, registering domain names is relatively inexpensive, so this small step to protect your brand won’t cost you a bundle.
Tip #5 Consider SEO
We know not everyone eats, sleeps, and breathes SEO like we do, but taking the time to consider keywords that reflect the focus of your website might do more than just make it easy for potential visitors to remember, it may also positively impact your SEO. Check out Google Keyword Planner for ideas.
Tip #6 Geography Matters
If your business exists entirely online, it’s possible that where you live has no bearing on targeting customers, but chances are good that at least some element of your clientele has a local base, so consider referencing your geographical location in your domain name. This will help local customers find you. Consider how frustrating it can be searching for a business online and thinking you’ve found the perfect one only to realize they are located on the other side of the country.
These are only a few tips that will help you get started, but if you have questions and want to learn more about our Domain Name Registration Services, feel free to reach out to us at SilverServers.
For more related content, check out the Domain Name and Registration section of our blog!