Ownership ID Website Launched
February 5th 2015

It's always a challenge creating a new website for a client, especially when they love their current one and it's been online for more than a decade. The time had come, however. They needed to upgrade their PHP code and database connections to use the latest MySQLi, but most importantly, they needed a nice mobile friendly responsive design to bring them into the modern era.
Working with the folks at Ownership ID was great. Chris and I (Mickael) both had an opportunity to meet them in their kamloops offices on McGill Road where we went through the changes and took the opportunity to help them set up some changes to the email settings on their assorted devices. Chris was there shortly after the site launch and gave them a run down on how their new content management system.
One of the more custom features is a simple tool where they can manage their missing livestock listings. Using some basic PHP, Chris created a tool that allows them to post the required information into the database which then displays the information on the live website. Small custom built scripts like this help streamline work while also personalize the website.
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