SilverServers Newsletter: August 2024
August 1st 2024

Welcome to the SilverServers newsletter! Catch up with the team and our work from July 2024.
Team Updates
This month, Wilson joined the SilverServers team! Wilson comes to the team with extensive experience in data analysis and programming. He will join Matt, Blake, and Chris in supporting client websites, developing new software, and maintaining our systems. Welcome to the team Wilson!
In the May newsletter we introduced Jackson. This month, we added Jackson on our Staff page! Get to know him better there.
New Website Launches
In July, we launched 2 websites for Kamloops businesses:
Hardaker Concrete: If you need a new concrete driveway, sidewalk, patio, or any other concrete in Kamloops, you can trust Hardaker Concrete. We built a new website design for their team and set them up for continued SEO services. Check out their site!
Purple Kitten Store: Bamboo fabric clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, and more for babies are the specialty of the Purple Kitten Store. We upgraded their site design and integrated a new shop system that makes the site operate as silky smooth as the fabrics they sell.
Data Centre Staying Cool During Summer Heat
July brought a few days of high or record-breaking heat to Kamloops! With the help of some innovative ways to support the cooling system, the Kamloops Data Centre has kept cool and running smoothly. If you would like a tour this summer, contact us to schedule a visit!
Social Media Moment
If you follow our awesome client Team 110 RE/MAX on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, you’ll already know that we’ve started a new video series, All About Stratas! In this series, Bobby Iio talks about every topic related to buying, selling, and living in a strata, and all the pitfalls that come with it. Here are the first 3 videos, with more to come!
- All About Stratas: Introduction
- All About Stratas: What Is A Strata?
- All About Stratas: Disclosure Statements
If you don’t already follow Team 110 RE/MAX, go check them out today!
Helpful Blog Updates for Businesses
Over the past month, we added 3 new articles to our blog to help small businesses with their online presence. You can check those out below!
Writing Effective and Helpful Testimonials for Small Businesses: If your clients are uncomfortable sharing testimonials about your business, share this article with them. It’s full of tips and advice for writing helpful testimonials.
What is Colocation and Does My Medium Business Need It?: If your business has grown to the point where you need scalable, secure, and cost-effective IT infrastructure management, then you should read this article. Discover colocation services and learn what you need to know to get started.
Balancing Brand Guidelines with SEO: A brand identity is essential to make your business stand out. However, when brand guidelines are created without any thought for SEO, they can restrict your company’s visibility in search engines. Explore strategies for harmonizing brand guidelines and SEO, or consider reassessing your guidelines to allow more flexibility.
Tip of the Month - Show Your Face on Social Media
This month’s tip comes from Emma, the social media manager at SilverServers:
What makes you trust someone online? When it comes to businesses on social media, the answer will usually boil down to “they show their face”.
Posts that feature a person’s face receive up to 40% more engagement than posts that don’t. This is because humans are social animals, and we trust people that we can see more than we trust ideas. Social connection is critical on social media, especially for businesses trying to make a sale or bring in a lead.
When a business owner repeatedly shows up on their social media, the business’ brand feels more personal to their audience, and therefore more trustworthy.
It can be scary to put your face out there, especially in a video format, but the rewards can be big. Give it a try this month, and see what happens!
Or, reach out to Emma from our social media team to talk about how we can support you in getting your business going online.
For more tips and past newsletters, visit the social media or SilverServers News are of our blog!