Blake Noble

Meet Blake. He can typically be found blazing new trails in prototyping IoT devices and new or experimental pieces of software, or maintaining internal monitoring systems.
When did you start working with SilverServers?
I was hired by SilverServers in 2018.
What’s your position and what do you do?
I work as an IOT developer / rapid prototype developer. When Mike says “I want {$x}”, it’s my job to have a working thing for him to play with by the end of the day.
What have been a couple of your biggest successes so far?
I’ve had my best successes with two particular systems so far: Sentinel and Pulse.
Sentinel is the name of the in-house software that our sensor system uses. I prototyped the entire system (including building the sensors),worked with the team to turn it from a prototype into the system it is today, and continue to maintain and expand it regularly.
Pulse is our internal monitoring system that Austen built a few years ago. I worked with him to integrate Sentinel, and have turned it into a more modular piece of software. Now any of our staff can customize what pieces of the system they can monitor.
What are you looking forward to doing here?
Just about anything!
Where might a client see the work you’ve done?
Much of my work is internal, so you might have to visit our data centre to see where it’s used! I worked on all of Sentinel’s front and back, and almost all of Pulse’s front and a lot of Pulse’s back.
I also work with our 3D printers and initiated the What's Printing page so that you can watch them!
What do you enjoy about working with SilverServers?
I enjoy watching things grow from nothing - and the challenge in getting them to work.
What are your interests outside of work?
Outside of work I’m a programmer, minecrafter, maker, artist, and hobbyist blacksmith who would unironically wear a proper set of armor if i could get away with it.
Check out to see what I’m working on and to read my blog.
I also run a public, family friendly minecraft server at
If you’re interested in learning more about our sensor project and the work Blake does, check out to read more and contact the team!
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